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How to Increase the Value of Your Home

How to Increase the Value of Your Home

This week, I wanted to put together a list of things people could do to add value to their home without spending all your money but still making a massive difference.

  1. Front door: This is the buyers first impression when visiting your home. Give it a glow up by freshening up the paint, polishing the doorknob, and jet washing the doorstep. Even add a seasonal wreath or potted plants either side of your door to really stand out from the neighbours! To get the creative ideas, look on Pinterest. 


  1. Fix the small problems: People will pick up on peeling paint or mouldy bathroom sealant, so make sure to have everything fresh, repainted and clean. Any little issue will decrease the value of your home and put the offer at risk of being lower than the asking price... Do NOT give people a reason to lower their price, because they will (even due to a slightly dripping tap). 


  1. Driveway: Clear your driveway so that viewers can park on there - it will make the house feel welcoming and homely for them. Make sure there is enough off-street parking for them because this can be major factor for someone buying a property. I know that having enough room to park is a deal-breaker for my family!  


  1. Kitchen: Nowadays, people are looking for the perfect kitchen to enjoy with family and friends. To create this image for buyers, make sure all the lights are on to brighten up the place. The lighter in colour, the bigger the room will look. And please de-clutter your work surfaces!!! Have a clean and clutter-free work top can make a hell of a difference. 


  1. Smart home: When people are coming to view your home, have some music on in each room – if you have a multi-room sound system... even better! Or make sure your broadband is on display so that it is clear that you have Super Fibre connection. Just advertising these techy features can encourage buyers and make a difference to the value of your home.  


  1. Heating: Make sure your home is warm! Stepping into a cold house when on a viewing can be very unsettling and uncomfortable. Especially when living in Wales, the weather can be dreadful, so allowing the heating on can help with buyers to feel cosy and warm when coming from the cold outside.  


  1. Lighting: It is essential to have good lighting on viewings. Having a bright home can make a difference in the buyers first impressions of your house. This can make a surprising difference on those grey days, or even the viewings that happen to take place past sunset. Switch on all your lamps, or even purchase some strip lights to hide behind your TV or along the kickboards of your kitchen.  


  1. Garden: Have your garden (particularly front garden) freshly cut, stimmed and weeded. Maybe even add some potted plants and freshen up your flowerbeds. Your front garden will be the first thing sellers see when they pull up to your house. Make it colourful, bright and endearing. 

This is just a guide, and obviously every home is different so some may not apply to you. But there are always other ways to add value! If you would like to have any advice on how to add value to your home whether it be a flat, land or a house, feel free to contact me. Or better yet, do some mood boarding on Pinterest then just apply your creative vision.  

There are more costly ways to increase the value of your home, like garage or loft conversions which adds an extra bedroom or reception room. Although, if this is too costly, it might be a good idea to obtain planning permission from your local council now so that it gives potential buyers the opportunity to be able to do this in the future without the initial hassle. 

Do NOT devalue your home! If you have ever made conversions or extensions in the past, make sure you have all the relevant documents including planning permission and building regulations to prove this is all confirmed and won’t come back and bite you. Also, making sure you have an up-to-date EPC report will help. Things like Japanese Knotweed and Asbestos can endanger the sale of your house so act on this quick.

Feel free to comment some advice you would give on how you added value to your home!

